A groundbreaking study involving 114,582 Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries revealed that adults with autism spectrum ...
Increase in odds of dementia diagnosis seen with age among those with ASD only and ASD plus intellectual disabilities.
Bobbie and Billy Gallagher started with a survey in Brick. Their initiative eventually led to the $1.95 billion Autism CARES ...
The global prevalence and rank of nonfatal burden of autism spectrum disorder are high, according to a review.
“Hope is a good word. It is embodied in our services. We have grown into a nonprofit that provides a lifespan of autism ...
A study ranking Autism Spectrum Disorder among the top 10 non-fatal health burdens for individuals under 20 reveals that 62 ...
The approval is expected to be extended following the anticipated final consent from the Israeli police department.
Reading memoirs and personal essays written by people with ASD is extremely helpful. Unlike other nonfiction, these genres ...
The disabling effects of autism and hearing loss can have considerable overlap. The threat both pose as we age is ...
Variants in DDX53 and other X-linked genes offer genetic insights into the higher prevalence of ASD in males. A recent study ...
Following their romantic endeavors through Love on the Spectrum, the reality TV dating show guides people on the autism ...
TB-006 is under clinical development by TrueBinding and currently in Phase II for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).