Despite remarkable progress, challenges loom in the form of SB110 and HB204, which would increase weight limits for log ...
By Jim Meads, P.E. Alabama has made great strides in improving our roads and bridges thanks to the Rebuild Alabama Act.
Alabama ranks second in road safety, with 96.5% of urban roads and 98.7% of rural roads in acceptable condition.
The current State House was built in the early 1960s for the Alabama Highway Department. The Legislature has used the retrofitted building for its meeting chambers and offices since 1985.
Residents of Level Plains, Ala. and state officials are working to improve safety along U.S. Highway 84, a roadway known for ...
The Alabama Port Authority in the US has initiated the construction of the $94m Montgomery Intermodal Container Transfer ...
The Alabama Port Authority, in partnership with CSX Railroad, broke ground Thursday on an inland port facility in Montgomery.
Senate Bill 110, which seeks to increase axle weight limits for certain trucks, is a dangerous and costly mistake.