Claiming the throne He formed a strategic alliance with Marc Antony, a successful and ambitious general. Over the next few years, they defeated their enemies in Rome and chased the survivors to ...
Fearing for their lives, Mark Antony and Cassius fled Rome disguised as slaves and joined Caesar in the north. Writing later in The Civil Wars, Caesar recalled how he had been waiting for the ...
“Euphoria” star Hunter Schafer posted a video to her TikTok story in which she revealed that her renewed passport lists her gender as male following Donald Trump’s executive order declaring the ...
By 44 BC, Caesar was dead and Rome had again sunk into civil war. Cleopatra returned to Egypt as Caesar’s great-nephew and heir, Augustus, teamed up with Marc Antony and Lepidus to fight Caesar ...
After a brief introduction, Southern opens with separate chapters on the early life of Cleopatra, a complex tale reflecting the highly dangerous condition of being an heir to the Ptolemies, and of ...
Sampson then covers Marc Antony’s attempts to conquer Parthia and Armenia in ... were actually more often at peace – or at least “cold war” – than at war. Rome and Parthia: Empires at War is a good ...
Coins of Mark Antony are known to have been continued to ... A third coin was issued under the authority of Vespasian by the ...
He hath brought many captives home to Rome, whose ransoms did the general ... is that Brutus talks at people, whereas I think Mark Antony talks to people, with people. Gbolahan ObisesanYes.