The sea turtles, ranging in size from 3 to 35 pounds, were released by the Zoo’s sea turtle team and TAMU Galveston’s Gulf Center for Sea Turtle Research.
Swimming with sea turtles offers a unique opportunity to interact with marine life in their natural environment. These gentle ...
There are nine public opportunities available throughout the Treasure Coast to observe sea turtles during the season.
Chia the sea turtle may be small, but they're also pretty tough! This little critter made it through an amputation and rehab ...
The City of New Smyrna Beach said Turtle Trackers volunteer Jackie Frymire was enjoying an early morning walk on March 9 when she spotted a leatherback sea turtle covering her eggs on the beach.
When a hatching sea turtle first pokes its head above the sand and scrambles to the sea, a watching child might ask how the turtle knows where to go and how girl turtles know to come back one day ...
1 in 1,000 turtle hatchlings are expected to survive after they're born. Sea turtles lay about 80 to 120 eggs. There are five Florida sea turtle species: Hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, Loggerhead ...