And the main ingredient? The partially dissolved nest of a swiftlet, a small bird native to Southeast Asia. Three times a year, swiftlets build nests out of their sticky saliva on cave walls and ...
And the main ingredient? The partially dissolved nest of a swiftlet, a small bird native to Southeast Asia. Three times a year, swiftlets build nests out of their sticky saliva on cave walls and ...
In the Philippines, collecting the main ingredient for bird's nest soup, swiftlet nests, is one of the most dangerous jobs in Asia. More from Risky Business In the Philippines, collecting the main ...
Bird's nest soup is one of the most expensive and sought-after dishes in Chinese cuisine. This delicacy is made from swiftlet nests, which are harvested from caves and cliffs in Southeast Asia.
Edible bird’s nest is made by a species of cave-dwelling swiftlets. Weaved from their saliva and harvested in caves and man-made nesting houses, bird’s nests are then painstakingly cleaned ...
It’s quite a bold ambition considering that bird’s nest has long been dubbed as “the caviar of the East”. Made from the hardened saliva of a swiftlet, the most luxurious type (called ...