In a podcast interview Bela Bajara, the chief content officer at Netflix mentioend the company may be interested in streaming NFL games on Sunday afternoon.
It’s not a hypothetical to say the NFL can pull the plug on all of the current broadcast deals after the 2029 season. It’s real. And the interest from Netflix isn’t hypothetical. It’s real.
Netflix is looking to secure a Sunday afternoon football package from the NFL that could include a massive slate.
After two seasons airing on The CW, IndyCar will transition its shoulder programming show '100 Days to Indy' onto Fox's streaming platform, 'Fox Nation', as the show transitions to covering both the Indy 500 and the title race.
Once the home of sports documentaries and reality series, Netflix now has live sports and more could be on the way.
NFL games be streamed on Netflix? Chief Content Officer Bela Bejaria said in an interview that the streaming platform will bid for it.
Netflix’s chief content officer Bela Bejaria told Puck News the company hopes to build its NFL game schedule by vying for the Sunday afternoon games: “I definitely want the Sunday [afternoon] games,” she said.
The NFL’s looming development of a full-blown Sunday morning international package had some thinking that Netflix, given its global footprint, would be interested. But Netflix is thinking bigger than the lower-profile, smaller-audience slate. Much bigger.