The Springfield Police Officers Association made a post on Facebook calling for higher officer pay following a recent carryover budget bill approved by city council.
Orange is hiring Grant Thornton, a global accounting and consulting firm with an Orange County office, to help city leaders quickly reassess City Hall’s organizational structure and find opportunities ...
Philadelphia Mayor Parker proposes a $6.77 billion budget focusing on public safety, housing, and sustainability.
Local leaders across the DC metro area are raising alarms about a stopgap measure in Congress that would trigger a $1 billion budget shortfall for the city.
Zohran Mamdani, Zellnor Myrie and Jessica Ramos are ping-ponging between New York City and Albany as they divide their time ...
The city's immigration committee came under fire after it failed to meet for more than a year at the height of the migrant ...
The City of Tucson’s City Manager Tim Thomure said they’re looking at how to pay for capital investments while the city has a budget shortfall.
The Instructional and Operations subcommittees of the Worthington ISD 518 Board of Education met this week in preparation for ...
The deficit largely comes from a slowdown in expected sales tax revenue, officials said. Almost half of the city budget comes from sales tax, driven by consumer goods and automotive industries that ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate finds itself on Friday in a familiar position, working to avoid a partial government shutdown ...
Myrtle Beach city leaders touched on a variety of topics Thursday at their annual budget retreat in Berkeley County. Among ...
Kevin Phelps, Glendale's city manager for the past decade, will step down from the role when his contract ends next February.