Removing inhibitions against forced entry into houses of worship positions the federal government to more readily invade ...
American Jewish leaders don’t just insist on Israel’s right to exist. They insist on its right to exist as a Jewish state. They cling to the idea that it can be both Jewish and democratic despite the ...
Each year, on Feb. 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, is observed, marking 40 days after Christmas. This day ...
He conquered land across three continents, ruled over states from Egypt to modern-day India, and never lost a battle – before ...
He has honored his wife, Jezebel, over God and let her set up altars to false gods. His policies have also corrupted the people of Israel. The old saying, as your leader goes so goes the people. He ...
Kingdom of Storms,” “Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force” is a grand mythological counter-narrative, complete with three ...
As we follow the teachings of Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament, we find God’s truth, we find Jesus teaching us God’s truth, and we discover what God’s ...
Wellness is temporary, and comfort is fleeting. But the peace that comes from following Jesus through sacrifice will last.
House Of David, the upcoming Prime Video series adapts the biblical story of David. The biblical streaming series premiering ...
Pharaoh’s daughter’s coming down and seeing a baby crying is mirrored by God’s actions in Exodus’ third chapter.
Indeed, stories found only in St. Luke repeatedly suggest that it is outsiders who find Christ, those cast out from the crowd ...
Elder Christofferson, Elder Rasband and Relief Society General President Johnson — address BYU–Hawaii students during weekly devotional.