It was from my university tutor. I remember crying around a job offer, and not knowing what I was going to do next, and I remember him saying, “You know, Tolu, don’t be so grateful” and I was so ...
Toluse "Tolu" Olorunnipa is the White House Bureau Chief of The Washington Post, and the co-author of "His Name is George Floyd," winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction. He joined The ...
The arrest and charge of the UK man responsible for a network of illegal machines, is part of the body’s campaign against crypto ATMs. - Sutan Sjahrir adalah seorang pemimpin dan perdana menteri kemerdekaan revolusioner Indonesia. Ia digambarkan sebagai seorang intelektual Indonesia yang idealis. Sutan Sjahrir menjadi ...