In an exclusive interview with India Today's Akshita Nandagopal, spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev shared insights on the significance of Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Moksha, Naga Sadhus and more.
We independently review everything we recommend. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more› By Seth Berkman Seth Berkman is a writer covering fitness. He's showered ...
“George Soros getting the US Medal of Freedom reminds me how Padma Awards were given during Cong UPA. In 2010, I was proposed to Padma for my telecom work. I was approached for a bribe of 1cr. I ...
Union Labour and Employment Minister, Mansukh Mandaviya told in an exclusive conversation with "According to RBI's data, not my own, between 2004 and 2014, during the 10 years of the UPA's tenure, 2.9 ...
Eye yoga involves eye movements that may strengthen the muscles in your eyes. However, there is not a large amount of evidence to support its purported benefits. Yogic eye exercises, also called ...