CUSIII, the import of The Satanic Verses, a novel by the author Salman Rushdie, was banned[1]. To give a brief background, ...
urged fellow Muslims not to pursue their demand for a renewal of the ban on Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, another group called the Forum Against Blasphemy said that they are in favour of the ...
IMSD does draw the line between Free Speech, which it fully supports, and Hate Speech, which it staunchly opposes. While, the Constitution of India guarantees the right to freedom of speech, the law ...
Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders in France see no doctrinal opposition to caricatures of God and religion in public spaces, though political views vary globally and within religions.
Readers write in from Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Maruthancode, Mumbai, Jamshedpur, Nadia, Andhra Pradesh and Hooghly ...
The joint-chiefs of the Royal Society of Literature have resigned after being accused of "dumbing down" the group. Chairman ...
My cousin, Ray, died late last year. He was the eldest son of Auntie Vera and Uncle Derek. He was much like his father, who ...
Rachel Burden and Rick Edwards with the new look 5 Live Breakfast, featuring unique stories from across the UK, explaining the details behind the headlines, and the biggest news and sport.
AN attorney for one of the West Memphis Three has blamed "satanic panic" for the wrongful conviction of the three teenagers. The West Memphis Three were believed to be in a satanic cult due to ...
Jan. 3—An Orthodox Christian from Concord claims he smashed down The Satanic Temple display outside the State House last month because it was his religious duty to "destroy idolatrous statues." Joshua ...
An Orthodox Christian from Concord claims he smashed down The Satanic Temple display outside the State House last month because it was his religious duty to “destroy idolatrous statues.” ...